Glacier National Park

A day hikers paradise, a place full of hiking adventures. The limited dates that the park is advisable for hiking is an issue for any hiker who is considering a visit to the park. That narrow band of time is from mid-late July through early September. We went on Sept 12, which turned out to be late for one of our hikes -- by just several days. Be prepared for the possibility that some hikes may have high winds and be bone chilling cold.

Sept 12- unpassable Siyeh Pass trail, snowed in

Lodging is plentiful and diverse, but generally expensive. We stayed at Apgar Village, where we rented a cabin that had 5 beds, a full kitchen and 3 baths, for around $300/night. We had dinner one night at the Lake McDonald Lodge restaurant, a fine experience. We had three full days of day hiking - the first day we hiked Siyeh Pass, the 2nd day Kintla Lake trail, and the third day both Hidden Lake and the Granite Park Chalet trail.

Picasa Photo Album of Siyeh Pass trail, Lake Kintla trail, and Granite Chalet trail.

Lake McDonald at Apgar Village

View from 'Going to the Sun Road'

Hiking the Siyeh Pass Trail

What a great hike, this has to be one of the best hikes in the National Parks. The first mile is not unusual, but after that, what scenery! The trailhead is on the Going to the Sun Road. It starts
out pretty easy, meandering through pine groves, with some beautiful meadows as you work your way up.
Once above the tree line the scenery changes dramatically, you are on a giant alluvial fan, and ahead of you, way up ahead of you, near the apex of Siyeh Pass, you can see some hikers. You realize that is where you are going. Looks like loads of fun.

The higher you go, the windier it gets, and the colder it gets. Some of us had winter coats, but I did not, and one of us, one who usually can withstand cold well, finally met his match.
Unfortunately we could not actually hike over the pass, it was snowed over. Other hikers on the trail said it had snowed two days earlier. This was Sept 12. We missed it by two days. We were forced to head back, and were unable to complete the trail. Next time, for sure!