
Sienna is truly one of the most amazing cities in Italy. It seems an entire medieval town has been turned over to tourists, all its medieval buildings still standing. Sienna once competed fiercely with Florance, the two had bitter wars, but Florence won a decisive battle. Then the Black Plague arrived, which combined with the losses from the wars, set Sienna back, not to recover. So its medieval buildings and streets remained. Their loss is our gain.
As if the medieval building were not enough, the residential areas of Sienna, where the Sienna people live, are interesting due to the neighborhood pride of the residents, they proclaim with banners their allegiance, for all to see.
Sienna is the sight of the most famous horse race in Europe, featuring racers from the neighborhoods of Sienna. This was taken from the walls found in the neighborhoods.
Some steps up to the Duomo
Piazza del Campo in the evening